Woodge System Update 24.02
The Woodge System Update 24.02 introduces new scheduling functionalities that allow for easy visualization and adjustment of unscheduled orders and customized display of order totals. Additionally, the update enhances product import capabilities with flexible spreadsheet integration, improves order section mobility between orders, and optimizes the speed of adding products and creating manufacturing records.
New Schedule Functionality
Schedule views can now show a list of unscheduled orders. These orders can then be dragged onto the schedule to set their manufacture start date. Various order totals can be shown so that manufacture values can be evenly distributed.
Dragging an event on the calendar will reschedule the order based on the linked date field.
The schedule preset can be configured to show the value of particular Order Totals at the start of a particular Order Milestone. A leading or trailing unit can be set e.g. "£1234" or "1234 units". The totals can also be rounded to a specific number of decimal places.
A title for the list of orders can be set. Also a custom calculation can be specified to determine what Orders/Milestones show in the list. For example in Manufacture that have no Manufacture Start date set.
Custom Product Import
A new custom product import functionality has been added to the system. A spreadsheet can be created with a flexible number of columns. After importing the spreadsheet the type of date of data is selected for each column is selected. The can be info about the product, or its options, variants, parts and material options.
For each part, we can specify which variant it is part of and each Variant can specify in which Product Option the Variant is available in. Dimension calculations can also be specified. If a Product Variant or Part already exists then that is used.
Clicking Process Import will loop over each product in the import and create the required records in the catalogue. The newly created products can then be seen in the Catalogue.
Client Orders Sort Fix
The orders tab on the Client Detail page now sorts correctly when ordered by 'Created'.
New Functionality To Move an Order Section to a Different Order
An Order Section can now be moved to a different Order. Open the Section card window and you will see a new button "Move Section to Order".
Clicking this button will bring up a card window where you can search for the order to move to. This layout is sorted to nave the most recent orders at the top. Select "Move To This Order" and the Section and all the Line Items in it will move to the selected order.
The system will take you back to the existing order and the moved section will not not be shown.
New Billing Template Functionality
When a Virtual List type is selected for a Billing Template there is now three options for the layout: Mult-Column, Mult-Column Wide Description, and Full Width. Clicking "Edit Template Fields" will bring up a new layout for configuring what is shown on the billing template.
For this layout calculations can be set for each area of the template to determine what info is displayed. This configuration is specific to each billing template and can reference any information from an Order or Line item.
Example Quote template.
Example Deposit Invoice.
Release number and release date added to Issues notification
If an issue is assigned to a release the release version and release date are now shown in the Issue Update email.
Active Orders List Now Sorts Correctly By Delivery Date
Previously sorting by delivery date on the Active Orders List did not work correctly. This is now fixed.
Adding Products and Creating Manufacture Records is Now Significantly Faster
The time taken to create the records when adding a new product is around three times faster.
Part sourcing and creating and other manufacture records is also significantly faster as well.