Woodge System Update 24.04

The latest of the Woodge System includes improvements to the employee detail page layout, enhancing the management and display of employee skills and processes, and also fixes an issue with printing QR codes from Windows computers for bulk processing.

Employee Skills Layout Improvement

The layout of the employee detail page has been improved to make it easier to set and manage which Process the employee is skilled at and manages.

The skills the employee has are listed in the white box.

Clicking the button will bring up a popover panel which vertically scrolls to allow for the display of a very large number of Process names without being cut off.

QR Code Fix

The printing of QR codes now reliably functions when processing a large number of units from a Windows computer.

Manufacture Process Day Match Type

A new option is available for scheduling Manufacture Processes to specific days of the week.

If the option 'Day Match Type' is set to 'Outwards' rather than 'Normal' then the system will look alternatively forwards and backwards from the target date until one of the specified days of the week is found'.

For example is the if a process it set to only start on a Wednesday, when Outwards is set the following logic will occur as shown above. If the percentage through manufacture results in the process being scheduled to start on Saturday 13th April 2024 the system will first check if the day after (14th) is a Wednesday, then the day before will be checked (Friday 12th), then Monday 15th, then Thursday 11th, then Tuesday 16th, and finally Wednesday 6th will be picked as the first matching day. Multiple days of the week can be set (e.g. Monday, Wednesday & Friday) and the first matching day will be picked.

For 'Normal' day matching the system will try date going forwards from the start date until a matching day of the week is found.

Note that if a negative '% Through Milestone' is set, then the system will go backwards in days until the match is found.


Woodge System Update 24.05


Woodge System Update 24.03